Updating your DeckOnDemand.com collection data
1. In MTGO, view your Collection.
2. In your MTGO Collection view (not the Deck Editor), there is a button in the upper right of the window which will display card text instead of images. Click it
3. While viewing your MTGO Collection's text data, right click in the window, and click "Select All"
4. With your entire collection selected, right click again, and click "Export selected cards to .dek"
5. Save your Collection.dek file to a location that you will remember
6. Open a new browser window to the
generator page
7. Click "Import/Update Your Collection" in the left navigation
8. Browse to the Collection.dek file that you exported from MTGO in step 4
9. Click Upload to finish updating your collection
Using the DeckOnDemand.com generator
Finding another DeckOnDemand.com opponent
1. Head to the
lobby page of this website.
2. If you would like to make your own game request, click the Add Game Request link in the left navigation. A window will open up prompting you for some information on the game. Fill it out, and click Insert.
3. If you would like to join someone else's game request, there may be some active requests listed on the right side of the screen. Click Join to take a seat in that game.
4. As the game fills, go to the
generator page and match the game request's settings. Then Generate a deck, and save it for your match.
5. If you are the leader of the game request, once the game fills, use MTGO to challenge the people listed in the match you created.
6. If you joined the game request, keep MTGO open, and wait to be challenged by the game request leader.
7. Load the deck you saved in step #4, and you are now ready to play.
Starting a Draft on DeckOnDemand.com
Explanation of the generator's settings
- Search Box - This search box allows you to generate a deck with cards that contain a certain word or words. I could type in "life" and check the box that says "Text", then all of the cards in your generated deck will contain the word "life" in the text. You could also change the check box to "Types" and then search for "Goblins". This search box also allows for the use of valid logical expressions. For example, you can say "discard AND draw", and you will get all cards with both words in it. If you say "discard OR draw", then you will get all cards that say discard in the text, or draw in the text. You can also use NOT to filter out cards. So I could create a search that says "discard OR draw AND NOT cycle". To use AND, OR, and NOT, the words must be capitalized.
- Search Button - This button will filter all of your selections. This can be useful for doing a search to see what cards you might have using your selected settings.
- Generate Button - This button will generate a deck based on your settings.
- Surprise Button - This button will randomize all of the unlocked Search Settings to generate a deck a completely random deck. An unlocked setting is symbolized with a grey padlock icon. You can toggle all of the locks individually, or all at once. Any orange unlocked settings will be randomized when the Surprise button is used.
- Show (Drop down) - This switchs between the various types of generation settings. You can select "Search Settings" which are the main generator settings, "Deck Settings" where you will find land distribution, sideboard, deck size, and other options, and once you have a generated deck, you can also see "Deck Statistics", which shows you curve and contents.
- Names, Types, and Text Check Boxes - These check boxes are used with the search box above. Checking Name searches card names, Types searches card types (mainly used for creatures), and Text searches card text.
- AND selected type(s) - Selecting this setting will only show cards matching BOTH your Search text, AND the card Types you have selected. For instance, if I search for the text "draw AND discard", and only select Creatures, I will only see creatures which contain the text "draw" AND "discard".
- OR selected type(s) - Selecting this setting will show cards matching EITHER your search text, OR the card Types you have selected. For instance, if I search for "draw AND discard", and only select Creatures, I could see any creature OR any other card Type (as long as the non-creatures contain the text "draw" AND "discard").
- Match colors exactly Check Box - Having this checked will search only for cards matching all the colors you selected. So if you select Blue and Black, only multicolored cards that contain both Blue and Black will be returned.
- Multicolored cards only Check Box - Having this checked will return cards that are multicolored based on the colors you have selected. If you select Blue and Black, only multicolored cards that contain either or both Blue and Black will be returned.
- Exclude Unselected Colors Check Box - Colors you do not explicity select from the color menu will not be used in the generator.
- Format Drop Down - This changes the settings to only generate cards that can be played in those formats.
- Game Type Drop Down - The various options change your deck to conform with those standards. Generally these effect the size of the deck or the number of each card you can have.
- Power Drop Down - This range setting determines the range in power the creatures in your deck can have. >= 3 <= 7 means your creatures will have a power between 3 and 7.
- Toughness Drop Down - This range setting determines the range in toughness the creatures in your deck can have. >= 3 <= 7 means your creatures will have a toughness between 3 and 7.
- CMC Drop Down - This range setting determines the range in Converted Mana Cost all cards in your deck will have. A setting of >= 1 <=4 means that all cards in your generated deck will have a casting cost between 1 and 4.